Week of January 12th, 2025
All requests for announcements MUST be made by Tuesdays at noon. Click this link: Bulletin Announcement Request Form
**Please email all announcement requests to church@faithbaycity.org**
This week we celebrated the Holy Sacrament of Baptism for Walter Arthur Meyer, the son of Kevin and Holli Meyers. God’s richest blessings on Walter, Kevin and Holli!
The altar flowers are given by John and Lindsay Mueller in celebration of Elyse’s 10th birthday and in thankfulness for the faculty and staff of Faith Lutheran School for providing her with a strong Christian education.
The Sewing Group will be meeting again on the following dates: January 15th, February 19th, March 19th, and tentatively finishing up for the season on April 16th. A HUGE shout-out of THANKS to the Endowment Committee for the generous donation this past year of $500 to the sewing group. With those dollars we were able to purchase many yards of flannel and fleece to make blankets for organizations. Thank you also to everyone who assists in putting these items together. We couldn’t do it without you! We would also like to thank the kids in the 7th and 8th grade who made some the fleece blankets for the foster care center. Many hands make light work.
All Ladies of Faith are invited to an evening of fun and fellowship on January 14th at 5:30 p.m. Parish Service Guild will carpool to Village Glass Works in Auburn for a demonstration on the classes they have to offer on glass blowing, stained glass, and a variety of beautiful glass projects. After our trip we will come back to Faith for a short meeting where our mites will be collected and some delicious refreshments will be served. You don’t want to miss out!
This month’s noisy coin offering will g to Wellspring Lutheran Services to purchase any additional items needed for the Mitten Trees.
THE MITTEN TREE IS UP AGAIN to collect mittens, hats, scarfs and warm socks for the children of Wellspring Lutheran Services. It will be up through Jan. 20 and then the items will be taken to Wellspring. Thank you for helping keep the children warm.
MITE BOX COLLECTION will be taken in January. Bring your mites Tuesday, January 14 to the Parish Service Guild meeting or deposit them in the big mite box in the back of the church on Sunday/Monday January 19/20. These mites are what make the above Mission Grant possible and many more. Thank you.
Smart Cards are available for purchase in the church/school office or by calling Marylee at
989-397-5730. Thanks to everyone who purchased one to support Faith’s Ladies’ Parish Guild!
Fellowship Hour– There are still dates open to bring refreshments after each Sunday service. Sign up in the Gathering Room on the Reach-In board. Napkins and cups provided.
The New Altar Flowers calendar is up and available for sign ups for the 2025 year.