Week of March 16th, 2025

All requests for announcements MUST be made by Tuesdays at noon.

**Please email all announcement requests to church@faithbaycity.org** 

Decorate the sanctuary Please help beautify our church and/or honor a loved one with a spring flower. Flowers will come in assorted colors: Lilies, Tulips, Hyacinths and Daffodils and are $14.00 each. Orders are due by April 4th, 2025.  Print the order form here

Sewing Group - We will be working on diapers this coming Wednesday for OGT.  Non-sewers and sewers are needed to help us complete our mission.  We’re a little over half way there in the number we need to do 40 layettes. Each layette gets 4 diapers. Please consider joining us anytime from 1-3 pm on Wednesday, March 19th in the Beyer Room. Hope to see you there!

Zoom Bible Study could be just what you are looking for.  Led by Kurt Hofmeister and attended by people who want to study the Bible in a fresh new way - ZOOM.  Meeting time is in front of your device each Wednesday at 9am.  Interested?  Contact Kurt at 989-225-7385 or khofmeister@vlhs.com.  He will send you a one click link to join the fun.  

1st Communion classes are scheduled for your 6th grade students (or older if interested) for March 26, and April 9 all being at 3:15pm. They will receive their first communion during the Maundy Thursday service at 6:30pm.

Endowment Fund - The Faith Lutheran Endowment Fund is taking grant requests, March 1-30th. If you are a member of Faith, on a Board, Committee, or on the staff here at Faith and have an idea for a need that is non-budgeted, please feel free to make a request.  Application forms are available on our website at faithbaycity.org under documents or by contacting the office. We will review the applications at our April meeting. Thank you for your prayers, contributions, and support.

Easter Breakfast: The elders are looking for help with the Easter breakfast. Anyone who would like to cook or help organize, please contact the Church office.

Help Needed– we are looking for a lawyer familiar with Michigan employment laws that could review a few sections of our Faith employee handbook to see if they are worded correctly and give recommendations. Please contact us at office@faithbaycity.org or calling 989-684-3430 if you or someone you know could help us out. Thank you.

LWML PRAYER DAY SERVICE  - Blessed are they ... Matthew 5: 1-12.  Prayer Day Service will be held on March 29 - 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. at Trinity, Monitor.   Breakfast will be served in the school cafeteria, a brief business meeting will follow breakfast.  Prayer Service to follow in the Church Sanctuary, $5.00 registration fee and a mite offering will be collected.  RSVP to Kathy Kube (989)482-7259 or Barb Evans (989)450-1654 by March 22. Please join in this wonderful morning of Christian fellowship. 

Faith Community Outreach - We will be collecting doorway donations through the end of March for Family of God-Detroit. There is a hand out on the table to grab as to what their urgent needs are.  Family of God is a non-profit Lutheran ministry committed to bringing the transformative power of the gospel to the lives of those living in Southwest Detroit. "We are committed to building authentic relationships with those we serve and offering programs that support them in physical, spiritual, and emotional capacities." Thank you, Faith! 

LAYETTES FOR ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN - A reminder that the Pack-n-Play is in the Beyer room to take items thru May 10. A list of the items needed is on the ledge in the back of the church. We only want infant thru 12 months. The most needed items are rubber pants which are hard to find - ordering them online seems to be the best source. Also needed are sleepers, washcloths, and cloth diapers. Thank you for helping these small children.

GRANT FEATURED FOR MARCH:  Showering Love on the Least of These - Mercy Holistic Ministry, Sacramento, CA - $100,000.  This grant will increase the frequency of mobile hot shower services and haircuts from two to three days per week and serve 2,000 more people annually.  A mobile clothing trailer will be purchased and operated to give away clean clothing and hygiene kits.  God's word will be shared distributing 10 to 15 Bibles and prayer books every week.  In the last several years the homeless population in Sacramento has doubled to 10,000 people.  These services will enhance the feeling of worth, provide hope in Jesus, and give counseling to aid the homeless in applying for jobs or securing an apartment.  All people are created in God's image, loved by God in Jesus Christ, and need to experience that love every day in a multitude of ways.17 For I am ready to fall, and my pain is ever before me. 18 I confess my iniquity; I am sorry for my sin. 19 But my foes are vigorous, they are mighty, and many are those who hate me wrongfully. 20 Those who render me evil for good accuse me because I follow after good.

Ladies, widowed & single of all ages, we will meet after the 10:30 service on March 23rd. We will go out to lunch at Lucky’s, and then if you like, get together and play cards and/or board games. If you need a ride or more information call Bonnie Randall @ 989-697-3595.

Valley Lutheran’s Lenten tour home concert is today, March 16 at 3pm at Peace Lutheran Church. The Annual Handbell Concert, featuring the handbell choirs from Valley Lutheran and four area churches, will be held next Sunday, March 23 at 4pm at Valley Lutheran.